Selected Exhibitions & Awards

Ade Adesina solo exhibition John Martin Gallery, London, 2017

John Martin Gallery, 2017


    Leonardo Sciascia amateur d’estampes XI edizione, Italy

    Gordon Contemporaries, Aberdeen Art Gallery, Scotland

    Royal Academy of Art, Summer Exhibition, London, England


    Fossekleiva kultursenter og Berger museum, Norway

    Edinburgh Printmakers, Edinburgh Festival, Scotland


    Annual Exhibition, Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, Scotland

    Royal Academy of Art, Summer Exhibition, London, England

    Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair, London, England


    Edinburgh Printmakers, Edinburgh Festival, Scotland

    Peacock: a workshop for art, Aberdeen, Scotland


    Mario Avati Engraving Prize - Academie des beaux-art, France

    Tatha Gallery Award


    Aberdeen Artist Society Annual Exhibition - Aberdeen Art Gallery, Scotland

    Annual Exhibition - Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, Scotland

    Contradictions [solo exhibition] - Sarah Wiseman Gallery, Oxford, England

    Parallel [solo exhibition] - Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, Scotland

    Phantom [solo exhibition] - The Biscuit Factory Gallery, Newcastle, England

    Royal Academy of Art, Summer Exhibition - London, England

    Sarah Wiseman Gallery [solo exhibition] - Oxford, England

    Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair - London, England


    Marchmont House, Scotland


    Creative Scotland Hardship fund

    Eames Fine Art print prize

    Scottish Arts Club Prize


    Annual Exhibition - Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, Scotland

    Arte Laguna - Venice, Italy

    Landscape of Memory - Koel Gallery, Pakistan

    New Leaves [solo show] - Kilmorack Gallery, Scotland

    Royal Academy of Art, Summer Exhibition - London, England

    Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair - London, England


    John Purcell Paper Prize


    Academicians in Isolation - Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, Scotland

    Annual Exhibition - Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, Scotland

    RE Original Print - The Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers, Bankside Gallery, London, England

    Royal Academy of Art - Summer Exhibition, London, England

    Royal Academy of Art - Winter Exhibition, London, England

    Summer Exhibition - Bankside Gallery, London, England

    Twilight [solo show] - Sarah Wiseman Gallery, Oxford, England

    Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair - London, England


    Aberdeen City Creative Funding

    For Art Sake, Framing Prize - RE Original Print


    A Decade On - Rendezvous Gallery, Aberdeen, Scotland

    Allusion IV - Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Art. Glasgow, England

    Allusion V - Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Art. Eton College, Scotland

    Annual Exhibition - Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, Scotland

    Aurora [solo exhibition] - Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, Scotland

    Aviary - Royal Scottish Academy. Edinburgh, Scotland

    Botanical - Royal Scottish Academy - An Talla Solais Gallery. Ullapool, Scotland 2019

    Hors de Question - Headmade Factory, St Martin, French West Indies, Caribbean

    Mirage [solo exhibition] - The Gallery at Linlithgow, Livingston, Scotland

    National Original Print Exhibition - Bankside Gallery, London, England

    RE Original Print - The Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers, Bankside Gallery, London, England

    Royal Academy of Art, Summer Exhibition - London, England

    RSA Annual Exhibition, Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, Scotland

    SSA/VSA Annual Exhibition - Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, Scotland

    The Great Print Exhibition - Rheged Centre, Cumbria, England

    Ulsan International Woodcut Print Biennale - South Korea

    Visual Art Scotland, Annual Exhibition - Edinburgh, Scotland

    Winter Show - John Martin Gallery, London, England

    Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair - London, England


    Head Made Factory - St. Martin-French West Indies, Caribbean


    Aberdeen City Creative Funding

    John Purcell Paper Award - National Original Print Exhibition

    RK Burt Heavyweight Paper Prize - National Original Print Exhibition

    RSA Sir William Gillies Bequest Fund


    40/40 Vision: 40 Years of Wasps Artist Studios - Kirkcudbright Galleries, Scotland

    Annual Exhibition - Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, Scotland

    Art Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    Beyond Reality [collaborative exhibition with June Carey] - Eton College, Eton, England

    June Carey & Ade Adesina: a Collaboration in Print [collaboration exhibition] - Glasgow Print Studio, Glasgow, Scotland

    London Art Fair - London, England

    Rene Carcan International Print Exhibition - Belgium

    Royal Academy of Art, Summer Exhibition - London, England

    Royal Scottish Academy Annual Exhibition - Edinburgh, Scotland

    Signs of Life [collaboration exhibition with David Mach RA] - Bo.lee Gallery, London 2018

    The Society of Scottish Artists, Annual Exhibition - Edinburgh, Scotland

    The View After the Questions [solo show] - Engramme, Quebec, Canada

    Winter Flowers - Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, Scotland


    Engramme, Quebec, Canada


    Open Eye Gallery Award - Society of Scottish Artists/Visual Arts Scotland Open Exhibitions

    The London Original Print Fair Prize - London, England

    The Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers Prize - National Original Print Exhibition


    Ade Adesina [solo exhiibition] - John Martin Gallery, London, England

    Ages of Wonder - Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, Scotland

    Allusion Clutha to Tatha: Royal Glasgow Institute or Art, Members Exhibition, Tatha Gallery, Fife, Scotland

    Annual Exhibition - Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, Scotland

    Linocut Today - Lyonel-Feininger-Galerie Quedlinburg, Museum for Graphic Arts, Germany

    Linocut Today - Museum im Kulturspeicher Würzburg, Garmany

    Micro MACRO: The Newly Elected Royal Glasgow Institute of The Fine Arts - Kelly Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland

    Roots and Wings - Tatha Gallery, Fife, Scotland

    National Original Print Exhibition - Bankside Gallery, London, England

    Royal Academy of Art, Summer Exhibition - London, England

    Royal Scottish Academy, Summer Exhibition - Edinburgh, Scotland

    Secrets of the Sand [solo exhibition] - The Suttie Arts Space, Aberdeen, Scotland

    This Will Ruin Everything: 10 Years of Recoat - The Lighthouse, Glasgow, Scotland


    Artist in Residency - Wasps Artist Studios, Admiral's House, Lower Ollach, Isle of Skye, Scotland


    8th International Printmaking Biennial of Douro - Portugal

    Annual Exhibition - Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, Scotland

    Awake [solo exhibition], New Wave Gallery, Aberdeen, Scotland

    Beyond the Light [solo exhibition] - Eton College. Eton, England

    Just Before the Light - The Gallery Tweeddale Museum, Peebles, Scotland

    Linocut Today - Stadtische Galerie, Bietigheim Bissingem, Germany

    National Original Print Exhibition - Bankside Gallery, London, England

    Royal Academy of Art, Summer Exhibition - London, England

    The Long Walk [residency exhibition], Highland Print Studio, Inverness, Scotland

    There Will Be Light [solo exhibition], Edinburgh Science Festival, Summerhall, Scotland


    Artist in Residence - Eton College, Eton, England

    Artist in Residence - Highland Print Studio, Inverness, Scotland


    Aberdeen Visual Artist and Craft Makers Award

    The Deloitte Prize - Society of Scottish Artists, Annual Open Exhibition

    Torrance Memorial Award - Royal Glasgow Institute of the Fine Art Open Exhibition


    Ade Adesina [solo exhibition] - Gallery At Fifty Five, Stonehaven, Scotland

    Ade Adesina [solo exhibition] - Glasgow Print Studio, Scotland

    Annual Exhibition - Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, Scotland

    National Original Print Exhibition - London, England

    Nature’s Footprint - BP Atrium Gallery, BP Headquarters, Aberdeen, Scotland

    Royal Academy of Art, Summer Exhibition - London, England

    The 2ND Global Print - Portugal

    The Biscuit Factory, Newcastle, England

    Tribuna Graphic - Romania


    Artist in Residence - Highland Print Studio, Inverness, Scotland

    RSA Artist in Residence - Glasgow Print Studio, Scotland


    Royal Academy of Art, Arts Club Trust Award - London, England

    Hawthorn Printmaking Supplies Award

    Wasps Residency Award - Royal Scottish Academy Open Exhibition


    Aberdeen Artist Society Annual Exhibition - Aberdeen Art Gallery, Scotland

    Ade Adesina [solo exhibition] - Woodend Barn Gallery, Banchory, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

    Annual Exhibition, Royal Scottish Academy - Edinburgh, Scotland

    Day Watchers [solo exhibition] - Peacock Visual Art, Aberdeen, Scotland

    Generation - Royal Scottish Academy - Edinburgh, Scotland

    Heal the World [solo exhibition] - Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland

    Rise of the Sun [solo exhibition], Grampian Hospitals Art Trust, Aberdeen, Scotland

    Royal Academy of Art, Summer Exhibition - London, England


    RSA Artist in Residence - Glasgow Print Studio, Scotland


    Aberdeen Artist Society Annual Exhibition - Aberdeen Art Gallery, Scotland

    Annual Exhibition - Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, Scotland

    Cabinet Show - Compass Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland

    Hard Ground - Peacock Visual Arts, Aberdeen, Scotland

    Ink and Ivory, Artist in Residence Exhibition - Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen, Scotland

    Linocut Today - Stadtische Galerie, Bietigheim Bissingem, Germany

    New Contemporaries - Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, Scotland

    Resident 13 - Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, Scotland

    Royal Academy of Art, Summer Exhibition - London, England


    Artist in Residence - Gray's School of Art. Aberdeen, Scotland

    RSA Artist in Residence - Glasgow Print Studio, Scotland


    Art in Healthcare Purchase Prize

    David & June Gordon Memorial Trust Award

    New Contemporaries Awards - Royal Scottish Academy

    The Aberdeen Artists Society, Wellhead Electrical Supplies Prize

    Walter Scott Global Investment Award


    Aberdeen Artist Society Annual Exhibition - Aberdeen Art Gallery, Scotland

    Annual Exhibition, Royal Scottish Academy - Edinburgh, Scotland

    New Generation - Compass Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland


    Artist in Residence - Gray's School of Art. Aberdeen, Scotland


    RSA John Kinross Scholarship to Florence, Italy

The Drawing Schools, Eton College, 2016


  • Glasgow Print Studio, Glasgow, Scotland

  • David Mach RA, Chris Gibbons, Michael Agnew RSA, Lennox Dunbar RSA, June Carey RSW, Florence Poirier Nkpa, Barry McGlashan, Ian Burke, Ahmad Ahmad, Tomasz Wrobel, Tosin Oyeniyi.

  • 2023 - Recoat. Lambhill Stables, Glasgow, Scotland.
    Antonine Wall mural project.

    2022 - Marchmont House, Scotland.
    Linocut Print diptych.

    2021 - Art on a Postcard. London, England

    2021 - Northeast Scotland Climate Action Network, COP26 project. Glasgow, Scotland

    2021 - Tusk, Lion Trail, Charity Commission. Edinburgh, Scotland

    2021 - Art in Mind, Mental Health Charity Commission. Scotland

    2018 - Light the North, Trail. Aberdeen, Scotland

  • Jean F Watson Committee, the City of Edinburgh Museums and Galleries, Edinburgh. Since 2019

    Council Member of the Royal Society of Painters and Printmaker, London. Since 2020

    General Purpose Committee, The Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh. Since 2018

    Selection, Hanging and Arrangements Committee for the 195th RSA Annual Exhibition, The Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh. 2020

    Selection, Hanging and Arrangements Committee for the RSA New Contemporaries 2019, The Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh.

  • 2023 - City Art Centre, Edinburgh, Scotland

    2023 - Aberdeen Art Gallery (With friends of the Aberdeen Art Gallery), Aberdeen, Scotland

    2023 - Grays School of Art, Aberdeen, Scotland

    2020 - The Big Draw Festival. Printmaking demonstration

    2019 - Stonehaven Art Club, Stonehaven, Scotland

    2019 - Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, Scotland

    2018 - Bo.lee Gallery, London, England

    2018 - Collabor8, Aberdeen, Scotland

    2018 - Engramme, Quebec, Canada

    2018 - Maritime Museum (With friends of the Aberdeen Art Gallery), Aberdeen, Scotland

    2016 - Eton College, England

    2016 - Highland Print Studio, Inverness, Scotland

    2015 - Grays School of Art, Aberdeen, Scotland

  • Edinburgh Printmakers, Ednburgh, Scotland
    Linocut classes.

    Fife Contemporary Summer School, Scotland
    Linocut classes.

    Grays School of Art (Summer School), Aberdeen, Scotland
    Linocut classes.

    Peacock: a workshop for art. Aberdeen, Scotland
    Linocut classes.